Conférence sur Usine Sécurité et numérisation
Bandeau Lecteur_Chef_COVID
Conférence sur Usine Sécurité et numérisation
Bandeau Lecteur_Chef_COVID
Soupape configuration

Configurez votre soupape de sécurité avec VALVESTAR

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Sécurités soupape pour votre application

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LESER Change-over Valve Teaser

LESER robinet de jumelage

Le passage à la disponibilité - votre solution économique pour une disponibilité des installations 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7

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Industries from LESER


Vous avez des exigences particulières pour soupape de sécurité s. LESER a la solution pour votre industrie.

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Why choose LESER

Par conséquent, LESER

Des entreprises de renom dans le monde entier font confiance à LESER soupape de sécurité s. Le soupape de sécurité spécialiste LESER, qui se concentre uniquement sur la surpression protection, est l'un des leaders du marché international.

En savoir plus

LESER en un coup d'œil

produits soupape de sécurité en un an

les employés se soucient de vos exigences

semaines délai de livraison pour les normes soupape de sécurité s

des configurations pour une large gamme de produits




Leser Wachstum Global

LESER ist in den letzten Jahren gewachsen und möchte dieses Wachstum ausbauen. Die bestehenden Produktions-, Logistik- und Büroflächen sind mittlerweile vollständig belegt und zum Teil komprimiert. Die derzeitige Flächenbelegung gewährleistet keinen optimalen Materialfluss und erschweren weiteres Wachstum. Durch das Bauvorhaben kann LESER seine Marktstellung als globaler Lieferant für Sicherheitsventile weiter ausbauen.

Innovative Technologien

Im Rahmen der Produktionserweiterung wird nicht nur in den Baukörper, sondern auch in neue Betriebsmittel investiert, um die Fertigungsabläufe künftig noch effizienter zu steuern. Dabei wird ein automatisiertes Langgutlager errichtet, welches direkt an neue Sägemaschinen angeschlossen ist.

Safety valves - safe protection against overpressure

Safety valves protect systems, people and the environment from unacceptable overpressure. They are protective devices which are the last safeguard in cases where other control, operation and monitoring units have already failed. Therefore, the safety valve must function at all times and under all circumstances.

When the safety valve opens, the excess pressure is released. Once normal operating conditions are restored, the safety valve closes to prevent further loss of media.

Overpressure has many reasons

The pressure in a vessel or system may exceed the maximum allowable pressure for various reasons, such as thermal expansion, chemical reactions, fire or failure of a cooling system. Each of these incidents can occur individually and separately or simultaneously. For the plant operator, this means that each case of overpressure causes different mass and volume flows that must be dissipated, for example, smaller mass flows during thermal expansion and larger mass flows in the case of chemical reactions.

Safety valves and their operation

There are two types of safety valves: spring-loaded safety valves and pilot operated safety valves.

In a spring-loaded safety valve, the closing force is generated by a helical spring. The set pressure is adjusted by pretensioning this spring with the adjusting screw. In the event of impermissible overpressures, the safety valve opens accordingly.

Pilot operated safety valves (POSV) use the system pressure to generate the closing force. The area of the so-called dome, which acts in the closing direction, is larger than the seat area of the POSV. Because the surface area of the dome is larger than the surface area of the seat, the corresponding closing force is stronger. If the pilot valve responds, the pressure in the dome is released and the POSV opens.